MUMC Service Project


Identifier: 20060506-MUMC Service Project
Purpose of outing: Service to Chartering Organization
Advancements: Citizenship in the Community
Mode of travel: N/A
Planning horizon: CO calendar (annual)
Capacity: Unlimited
Fees: None
Distance: 0
Location: Chartering Organization
Dates: 2006-05-06
Description: Assisted with miscellaneous Church repair on the grounds, as listed and changed below Equipment assigned to Bring (see below): - Every worker must have work gloves, preferably leather - Every car should bring spare lawn bags from home - Every car bring a sturdy lawn rake - Every car bring a hand held weeding tool - We'll need 2-4 squeegees for working on ladders to wipe windows - Need 2-4 Buckets with 4-8 large clean sponges - We'll need 2-4 garden rakes to spread gravel - 1 chainsaw We gathered at the appointed time. Key to the smooth running of the project was early arrival of coordinator/dispatcher (the event coordinator in this case) to set up command area to run task teams and coordinate with Church trustees on precisely what trees, windows, weeds, leaves, equipment, etc. Boys gathered at the command area with an EZ up canopy for their safety briefing: 1. Watch for traffic, 2. Use “totin’ Chip” rules for ALL tools used, and 3. Buddy system and awareness of their surroundings. Any late arrivals were sent to the command tent to get their safety briefing before being assigned by the dispatcher to a team. Teams were then sent as listed below. Upon completion, teams were redirected to other tasks to assist teams or split into existing teams. The group as a whole reached a break point at 10:00 am when everyone completed assigned tasks then regrouped to do the next set of tasks. The dispatcher watched for complex and slightly riskier tasks for all-adult teams or specific adult roles: Mixing cement (all adult), working on posted signs (all-adult), using a chainsaw (adult role with older scout helpers). Ms Cannaday brought doughnuts for the group to eat after all tasks were complete.
Assessment: Do again: A matrix for the attendees for time worked (person, hours worked, total hours) tracked hours. A matrix for tasks to work were developed (Task, Equipment used, Actual Start Time – End Time) tracked accomplishments. Both were very helpful in demonstrating results. A Scout-run event is preferable. The Troop can be more successful in this regard if we have a service project in line rather than the emergency search 3-4 weeks prior, which then requires 2 weeks to coordinate and align, leaving no time for Scout coordination. With our new Service coordinator, this should be possible.