Troop 1501 Works on Derek's Eagle Project


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Beginning of 3rd day. Derek and Dad have been busy putting a face and underside on the roof.
11-02-03 12:14p 1325.9KB

Beginning of 3rd day. Derek and Dad have been busy putting a face and underside on the roof.
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Mr Waisanen and Mr Hockersmith laying out vents for roof.
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Mr Richardson, Bret, Derek, Cody, Mrs Richardson, Colin, and other Cemetery staff member discussing cutting the timbers.
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Charlie about to nail up cover for underside of roof.
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Mr Waisanen and Charlie working on the roof.
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Cody checking out Derek's thoughts on positioning of the railroad tie.
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Mr Hockersmith, Mr Migliaccio, Bret working on roof while Cody and Johnny drop in a tie.
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Cody and Johnny shoveling dirt to backfill the ties.
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Cody and Johnny shoveling dirt to backfill the ties, Ben taking a break from shingling, the rest of the crew working on the ground under the roof.
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Cody and Johnny shoveling dirt to backfill the ties, Ben taking a break from shingling, the rest of the crew working on the ground under the roof.
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Roof is almost shingled, Mr Richardson attaching covers, rest of crew working on ground.
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Mr Hockersmith helping Mr Migliaccio, Johnny and Charlie looking lost, Mrs Richardson giving directions.
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The first layer of stone dust being spread by Charlie and Cody. Mrs. Richardson preparing a ramp.
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Bret and Mrs. Richardson demonstrating the fine art of stone dust dumping. Charlie ready to rake it smooth.
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Bret and Mrs. Richardson demonstrating the fine art of stone dust dumping. Charlie ready to rake it smooth.
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Cody and Charlie still trying to level the dust.
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Many loads later and the ground is starting to look pretty good.
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Darkness has fallen, and one final screed before tamping and calling it a day.
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This site, the Waisanen's site, and his church's site are maintained by Tony Waisanen.