1. Program
-September 22: Hosted a day of COPE for Troop 853 (Old Dominion District). Ten Scouts worked on communication, leadership, and teamwork. Scoutmaster frequently remarked, "I didn't expect that!" when new Scouts would actively participate in the problem solving and planning process, and when the senior Scouts would ask the new Scouts for their opinion.
--The Committee now has a tested syllabus for a day program of COPE we can tailor for future events.
--Value proposition for COPE at Snyder: COPE is where units can put leadership and teamwork theory into practice. Scouts and Scouters can learn how they, personally, can apply the theories.
-October 20: Project COPE at Expo saw 60 young Scouts. --Very positive responses, from youth and parents!
--The Committee will be making recommendations on using COPE for Webelos-aged youth.
-Last session for Fall 2012 season is 17 Nov (Troop 683, Old Dominion).
--Snyder COPE sessions for Spring 2013 are in March through May.
2. Promotion
-Have a draft tri-fold flyer for advertising COPE. Targeting completion before Thanksgiving. Will need copies made for posting at MSSC, Camp Snyder, etc. Will be asking DEs to have flyers distributed to all District Roundtables.
3. People
-We have a great group of people in the pool of Project COPE staff, but we need more. Please spread the word we will be hosting a COPE Instructor Training session March 15-17, 2013. Cost TBD.